Let’s be honest: moving is stressful. From making sure you’ve packed everything you’ll need to the uncertainty of being uprooted and establishing a brand-new home, you have a lot to think about and do.

Whether you’re moving in or out, we’re here to help. Keep an eye on your nova.edu email account for more details about your upcoming moving day, including where and where not to park, where to check in, and designated check out times for your residence hall.

If you have unique needs, please feel free to email us at housing@nova.edu.

Moving In Important Dates

Fall 2025: August 11 - 15

more information to follow

Housing Check In Step-by-Step

Before you pack up your stuff, toss a few bottles of water in a cooler, and embark on your trek to campus, we encourage you to review these six steps to familiarize yourself with the complete housing check-in process.

Not sure what to bring?
Some items are a given:
  • Computer
  • An assortment of clothes
  • Towels
  • Sheets
  • NSU Shark decor
But in the excitement, it’s also easy to overlook other essentials like batteries, an umbrella, or tweezers.

We’ve compiled a checklist to help make sure you’ve got what you need from day one.

Check and Satisfy Your Student Balance

Before you can move in, your student account balance needs to be satisfied by one or more of the following methods:

  • Have a financial aid package that covers your entire institutional costs
  • Sign up for the NSU payment plan

Check Your Account Balance

If your account balance is not completely accounted for, you will need to meet with an Enrollment and Student Services (ESS) representative at the Welcome Center in the Horvitz Administration Building prior to your assigned move-in day.

Schedule an appointment with an ESS rep by calling (954) 262-5200.


Request Your Shark Card (New Students)

You’ll need your SharkCard to access your room on check-in day. Request your SharkCard from SharkCard Services a week prior to check-in (and after you’ve registered for classes).

Check Your Room Assignment and Fill Out Emergency Forms in the Housing Portal

Log in to the Housing Portal to check and confirm your room assignment.

Additionally, complete all Emergency Forms—Emergency Contact, Missing Persons, and Hurricane Response—48 hours prior to your assigned check-in time.


Select Your Move In Date and Time

All residents have the opportunity to choose their preferred move-in date and time. If a selection is not made by the deadline, a move-in time will be assigned automatically. Students can begin selecting their move-in slots at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, May 28th, 2025, with the deadline to choose set for 5:00 P.M. on Friday, July 18th, 2025.

First-Year Students can select move-in times between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on Monday, August 11th, Tuesday, August 12th, and Wednesday, August 13th. Please note that Convocation will take place on Thursday, August 14th.

Returning Upperclass Students can select move-in times between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 13th, Thursday, August 14th, and Friday, August 15th. Be sure to secure your move-in time early to ensure a smooth transition into your new home!

Review Checklists and Bed Linen Requirements

We put together a checklist to help you prepare for move-in. It covers everything from electronics, storage ideas, kitchen and cleaning essentials, and toiletries to shared items that you’ll want to coordinate with potential roommates.

All residence halls are furnished with Twin XL beds except for:

Mako Hall: Full XL
Rolling Hills A and C studios: Queen


Arrival on Campus on Move-In Day

You’ll receive your room key, mailing address, Room Assessment Form (see step 6 below), and other pertinent information.

Review Room Assessment Form

Your Resident Assistant will review the condition of your room prior to Move-In Day and notate their assessment on the Room Assessment Form.

It is your responsibility to review your Room Assessment Form and confirm that it accurately reflects the condition of your room. If you need to amend the form with corrections, you have 24 hours from your move-in date to contact your Resident Assistant for a reassessment.
NSU student with family carrying luggage

Moving Out Important Dates: Winter 2025


Undergraduate Residential Students

You must check out 24 hours after your last final of the Winter 2025 term. If accommodations are needed until Sunday, April 27, 2025, please inform your Area Coordinator no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, March 26, 2025.

The April 27 checkout date is only for students who have been approved by their Area Coordinator and is the absolute latest a student can check out.

Graduating Seniors

You must check-out 24 hours after your commencement ceremony.

Express Housing Checkout

We’ve implemented an Express Checkout process for ease and convenience.

Failure to follow the proper checkout process will incur a $100 improper checkout charge plus any cleaning/damage charges and the fees for unreturned keys.

All residential students should fill out and submit the mail forwarding form prior to checking out.

Packing and Cleaning To-Dos

  • Sweep, mop, and wipe down your room, bathroom, and shared living spaces
  • Return all university furniture to where it was upon move-in.
  • Bicycles must be unchained and removed from bike racks at the time of checkout.

For more tips, check out the Residential Living Guide.


Schedule a Checkout Time

Reach out to your Resident Assistant to inform them of your intended move-out date and schedule to meet with a staff member from University Housing.

Aim for the designated checkout time for your residence hall. Your checkout time can be a flexible range of time, i.e., 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Remove Your Belongings and Clean

Make sure all your personal items have been removed from your assigned space and clean all surfaces by your checkout time.

Failure to remove your belongings and clean your assigned spaces prior to checkout will result in you being charged $100+ to cover the cost for facilities doing so.


Pick Up an Express Checkout Envelope

Express Checkout envelopes can be picked up from your residence hall’s front office. Founders, Farquhar, Vettel, and the Cultural Living Center residents should get an envelope from Leo Goodwin Sr. Hall.

Drop Off Completed Express Checkout

Complete the Express Checkout envelope in its entirety, place your room key inside, and sign it. Place the completed envelope inside the black, metal lockbox at the front desk where you picked up the envelope.

Is this your final semester living on campus?

If you will not be renewing a housing contract for on-campus housing, you will need to complete a Housing Contract Release Form.

Timeline for Receiving Your Deposit

It can take up to a week from your move-out date for the checkout to be completely processed by our office. Once that process is complete, one of two things will happen:

  • If your student account has a balance, the Bursar’s office will release your deposit back into your student account to go toward paying off that balance.
  • If you do not have an account balance, the balance will be released back to the card originally used to pay or sent to you as a check.

For more information, please reach out to the Bursar’s office at (954) 262-5200.

See Contract Release Process

NSU students smiling and signing a document

Student using her phone next to boxes

Do You Need Help Packing, Storing or Shipping

We’ve got a recommendation for you!

Stirit Storage has NSU-friendly plans and rates to help you pack, move, store, and/or ship. Additionally, Stirit Storage is the only approved third party we will permit to enter your room (on campus) to collect your belongings. Please be aware that you are required to be present during the packing and pickup process.

NOTE: NSU is providing this information only as a courtesy and is in no way endorsing or requiring the use of Stirit. NSU makes no representations or warranties about the quality of the services provided by Stirit, and NSU will not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss of any kind to items. If you would like to use its services, you will need to contact Stirit directly.

Visit Stirit Storage